Plan First

A Solution Requires a Plan, Not a Product

We can simply look to Matthew 7:24-27 and the story of the two home builders to understand the importance of a plan. The wise man built his house upon the rock and it survived the storm while the foolish man built his home upon the sand and it washed away in the storm.

Let’s update the story to modern times and a situation that you might find yourself in:

  • The foolish dentist grinds a tooth down for a crown without considering the cause of the tooth decay or the long term effect of that treatment, while the wise dentist addresses the root causes of disease and finds solutions that lead the patient to health and wellness.

  • The foolish man with high blood pressure argues with his physician about which blood pressure medicine to take while still smoking two packs a day, while the wise man opens his mind to lifestyle improvements and develops a plan to address the underlying cause of his hypertension.

  • The foolish woman spends hours worrying about the best stock to purchase with the only goal of “beating the market”, while the wise woman spends time considering a long term financial plan and then considering if a stock fits that plan.

  • The foolish dentist goes to a dental convention and buys a new device they only just heard of, while the wise dentist has developed a financial plan and timeline for equipment purchases that matches with the overall direction for the practice.

Nobody is all foolish or all wise. We all have moments of foolishness along with moments of wisdom. To help you make more wise decisions when purchasing any product, remember this little diagram from Behavior Gap.

Steps to Wise Decisions

Step 1 - Establish a Plan to solve your problem

Step 2 - Create a Process to accomplish the Plan

Step 3 - Find a Product to implement that Process


If you have a specific problem that you are looking to solve, please schedule a consultation with JNG Advisors today to see how we can help you develop a plan.

Jeff Gullickson